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Sunday, February 3, 2008

stupid east zone results:

VS win DHS 2-0

VS win GMS 2-0

VS lose to DMN 2-0 25-19 25-sth


VS lose to SHS 2-0 25-21 25-23

finals coming up

against HSC

grace arr u want me to trash haising oso must tell englek first right...lol volleyball is TEAM...u can tell yongxiang oso lol

I wish you were here
2:07:00 PM

Saturday, January 26, 2008

n so we won dunman high 25 7 25 4 and our b div won dunman sec 2-0 as well...
not bad...
well we r so gonna win dunman sec...
maybe even trash...
i got tricks? maybe
dunno what im toking about...
but i still rmb during the b div dunman sec match i shout a loud of obscene stuff...like when someone kenna lobbed, i shouted: tio jack...then when one guy a quick hit out ball almost hit our coach i shout: whoa out ball aim the coach arr....
i think the dunman ppl were rather pissed with me...

I wish you were here
3:55:00 PM

Monday, January 21, 2008

am i prepared? most probably??? xD

I wish you were here
8:27:00 PM

Sunday, January 20, 2008

This is for the assignment Miss Fox! And this is the final post! Names have been changed to 'protect' the innocent.
Sunday, for me, is a day for relaxing. And for once in a week, I could forget about homework, zonal competitions and the mother of them all, stress. I could just stay at home, blasting my head off with Paramore,

or spend the day outside with friends. Today, I am going out with four friends of mine on a little window shopping at Bugis. I want a new belt, and I am going to get it today!

My friends are actually my neighbours. The twins, Rachel and Elle, with the two good friends, Michael and Johnson. The twins are of my age, and they share such a bond that you could say they are telepathic. They could ask questions followed by questions that seem to match the one before it. And they always say 'hi' at the same time, with the same wave.
Michael was my age as well, and he is a singer. No, not the Campus-Superstar or American Idol type, but rather, a choir singer. He's soprano, and could sing opera. He taught me a few techniques that I learned pretty well.

Johnson was a year younger, but just as matured. He wears nice clothes, and he wears a tie. Yes, a tie. The very stylish kind with skulls on it that match his skeleton-rockstar shirt and skinny jeans. Nice!

And so it all began when Michael wanted to try on a pair of jeans. He came out, to approving nods from the rest of us. He decided to buy the pairn of jeans, and while purchasing, Rachel whispered into my ear, 'Mikey forgot to zip!'
Out of instinct, I looked. I spotted the zip, and tried hard not to laugh. I told Johnson, and he laughed so loud that Michael turned to look at him. 'What's wrong with you?'
Johnson shoke his head dismissively, and looked at us with the mischievious glint in his eyes. Loudly, he said,' Wah, Mike, your zip jammed up, is it? Rusty?' With that, the four of us burst into the laughter. The way Johnson had described it is just so hilarious! Michael immediately zipped up his pants, and said with a cool tone,'Latest fashion what!'
We laughed out louder after that. We were still laughing after we had left the shop, with Michael clutching a carrier bag with a contended look on his face.

I wish you were here
9:39:00 PM

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hi Miss Fox. This is for the assignment! And to Aundrea and Davis, this post is somewhat dedicated to them. I miss you guys!
This morning, I woke up early and went for my usual race biking.

I enjoy it a lot, but without two of my closest friends, it could get pretty tedious. I slipped on my helmet, placed a full bottle a water in the bottle holder, and I'm ready for some serious speeding! Of course, I don't ride on the roads, that's against the law for those younger than the age of fourteen, as the recent spade of accidents proved that children, without the supervision of an adult, have met with several accidents, resulting in deaths.

I don't cycle around the neighbourhood, but I do cycle to the park connectors, where the roads are straight, or maybe at the Bedok Town Park. For this morning, I chose the park connectors as I felt I really need that feeling of speed. It's like taking drugs as it puts your life in danger. The speed of my racing bike is so fast, so furious that I'll most probably have to check into a rehabilitation centre after each session.
So off I went, cycling at a steady pace along the pavement. The sun had started rising, leaving the earth in a peaceful light blue shade with just a touch of the yellow-pinkish glow coming from the sun.

Cars zipped past at sixty miles and hour-much higher than the speed limit, but like I said, speed is addictive.
As soon as I reached the park connector, I braked to a halt, in 'preparation' of what laid ahead. I'm not nervous, mind you, but I was troubled by the fact that if I should fall at top speed, I'm going to sustain injuries that could confine me to a bed for the rest of my life. And I want to play volleyball. I want to win! But, placing my worries aside, I started riding at a dangerously fast speed.

The wind zipped by, and luckily for me, I was wearing a fitted sports shirt and pants, which was standard race biker wear. Come on, I'm professional! I've have received trainings! Had I beed wearing loose shirts, the speed of the wind would be so fast that my shirt would be flying and slashing painfully at my torso, and it might not be very painful, but it is very irritating. I once found my chest full of red marks when I wore a loose shirt. Gross, huh?
Anyway, I was speeding like a mad man when I saw several birds on the road ahead. I was riding too fast to avoid them, and I could not possibly brake, for if I do that, the overpressure would be too great, and I would be thrown in the air, flying head over end. And I might not be able to use those powerful legs of mine again, and that is going to be such a waste. So i just sped head-on into the group of birds. Out of instinct, they took off, but one of the birds were too slow, and I was traveling just so fast. My helmet connected with something hard, and I heard a rather sickening thud.
Shocked, I eventually came to a stop, and decided to turn back to take a look. I realised that my helmet had knocked one of the birds. It was not bleeding, but it seems to be close to death.

I mean, look at the speed at which my helmet collided with the bird! I was thinking,' God, I'll pay for this.'

I decided to leave the scene of the 'crime' immediately. It was truly scary. Now, after this unfortunate incident, and posting it on my blog, I wonder,'Can I sleep tonight?'

I wish you were here
3:47:00 PM

Monday, January 14, 2008

Hi Miss Fox! This is for the assignment! You can read the rest of the posts if you like I wouldn't mind at all!
This morning, I managed to wake up without any difficulty. I mean, ever since school reopened, I cannot wake up unless my maid shakes me awake. It's kind of weird. I mean, last year, I can wake up just so easily! Now, there is this feeling of reluctance whenever I am supposed to wake up. I guess maybe I had trained extremely hard during the holidays for the tournament and for myself. And now, it's back to the school schedule again, and as usual, it's too fast and hectic for me. Plus the trainings are starting to take a toll on me. I could hardly pay attention in class!
So when I reached school, I was extremely sleepy. Luckily for me, our monitor has arrived and he opens the door. A small chat with my classmates, Shafeeq and Solihin, started us talking about the operation Nicholas Rai was supposed to go through. Solihin, as usual, did not believe me. Shafeeq was asking,' The SMS you send me real ah?'
Well, they were my friends. And I had to tell them the truth. I had, earlier during the weekend, had sent text messages to my friends that Nicholas Rai had a 'miraculous recovery' and will be coming back on Monday. Hazwan told me not to joke about all this, Joshua, the proud kid who really deserves a punch on his face, and Jia Hao said Nicholas is 'super'. Different responses, how very interesting. Of course, I told Nicholas Rai about this joke I was up to. We had been friends since Primary Five, and we were pretty close to each other.
So, after my friends knew that Nicholas Rai's operation was postponed till a doctor confirms a date, their replies were,' Cheyyyy!!!!' But the best had yet to come.
After many more surprises during assembly (and after a very, very boring talk), we returned to our respective classrooms. We chatted about all the things we could think up of: jokes, our blogs, games, and even girls. Finally, Miss Fox, our Form Teacher, arrived. We greeted her, but she did not notice the presence of our brother Nicholas. When she mentioned something about having bought a 'Get Well' card, her eyes scanned the room and spotted Nicholas. Nicholas just sat there, looking blur, and Miss Fox's surprised expression was almost laughable.

The silence was pretty awkward, until it was broken by a few giggles, and finally, the whole class, including me, burst into uncontrollable laughter.

We were still laughing when Miss Fox approached the still-acting-blur Nicholas, and had a conversation with him. I could not hear what they were talking about as I was seated all the way at the back. But whatever it was, I, surprisingly, did not want to know.

I wish you were here
8:34:00 PM

Friday, January 11, 2008

2.4km run timing: 10 minutes and 12 seconds! this is gonna be an informal post i dun give a shit about full sentences n all cos this is not for the assignment!
eastzonez starting frm 24th jan, and ending around 5th feb or sth like that i dun really give a damn...playing against Dunman High, Geylang Med and DUNMAN SEC! MUST TRASH THEM! the other schools got high chance of winning lah!
to all volleyballers out there, good luck for ur zonalz!

I wish you were here
5:28:00 PM


welcome to MY blog...enjoy your 'stay' here! =P


what? just an ordinary dude with pretty boring life. life of a rockstarr...centerspiker...thundering drop balling quai ya-ing blocking ace-ing!!! xDD
contact me at...
email : crapboy87@hotmail.com


*IP application to VJC or NYJC!
*meet someone who can do my homework for mie!
*more clothes!



LUREVLY 6206 belle jessica shafeeq ilyasa russ yijun jonathan solihin #13marcus grace wenning jinghui


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*January 2008*
*February 2008*


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